
Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law
– Civil Law Department –
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
Leonardo-Campus 9, Room 120.212
48149 Münster


About the person

1998 – Birth in Krefeld

2016 – Abitur at the Marienschule grammar school, Krefeld

2016 – 2022 – Studied law at the Westfälische Wilhelms University of Münster

-> Focus area: Information, Telecommunications and Media Law (ITM)

-> Additional training: Information, telecommunications and media law


2016 – 2019 – Specialist foreign language training (FFA) in common law


11/2018 – 02/2020 – Working student Baker Tilly Holding GmbH


11/2018 – 06/2019 – Student assistant at the ITM, Prof. Dr. Nikolas Guggenberger, LL.M. (Stanford)


08/2019 – 09/2022 – Student assistant at the ITM, Chair Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren, Art Law Clinic


2020 – Additional training in journalism & law


07/2022 – First state examination in law before the Judicial Examination Office at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm


since 10/2022 PhD student and research assistant at the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law, Civil Law Department, Chair Prof. Hoeren, Project Management Art Law Clinic