
Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law
– Civil Law Department –
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
Leonardo-Campus 9
48149 Münster

About the person

  • 1998
Birth in Osnabrück
  • 2016
Abitur at Windthorst-Gymnasium Meppen
  • October 2016 – July 2022
Studied law at the Leibniz University of Hanover
  • Focus area: IT law and intellectual property law
  • December 2021 – November 2022
Working student at WERTGARANTIE Hanover
  • July 2022
First state examination in law before the State Judicial Examination Office (LJPA) Celle
  • since February 2023
Research assistant at the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law, Civil Law Department (Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren)