Vorstellung des Gastprofessors Zhou Lin

Foto Zhou LinZhou Lin Professor and Doctor of the Intellectual Property Center of China Academy of Social Sciences; Visiting Professor of the University of Tokyo (Japan) in 1996; Visiting Professor of the ITM of Muenster University (Germany) since 2000. Zhou Lin gave lectures on Copyright Law, Art Law and Information Law at several universities or institutes.
Prof. Dr. Zhou Lin used to work in the National Copyright Administration of China (1989 to 1994), participating the draft of the very first Chinese Copyright Law, taking the position as a managing editor of Copyright, a quarterly magazine published by Chinese Copyright Society. Prof. Dr. Zhou Lin moved to the Intellectual Property Center of China Academy of Social Sciences in March 1994. From then on he spent most of the time in the research work in the field of IPR Law. Zhou Lin is now in charge of a new project – Intellectual Property in An Information Society, funded by CASS.
From October 5, Prof. Dr. Zhou will visit ITM for one month and do research on Chinese and European law in two aspects:

  • A comparative study of the resale right under Chinese and European art law
  • A comparative study of recent Chinese and European cases relating to the unfair competition in the Internet

Prof. Dr. Zhou Lin is a member of the Council of China Intellectual Property Law Society, a member of the Cultural Heritage Law Committee of International Law Association. He has published several articles on intellectual property, art law and information law in Britain, Germany, Japan and China. He has also published several books: An Introduction of China’s Copyright Law (chief editor), Art Law Handbook (chief editor), China Court Cases on Intellectual Property Rights (chief editor).