Contact us

Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law
– Civil Law Department –
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
Leonardo-Campus 9, Room 120.212
48149 Münster


About the person

2016 Abitur at Friedrich-Leopold-Woeste Gymnasium Hemer
2016 – 2022 Studied law at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

  • Focus area: Information, telecommunications and media law
  • Additional training: Information, telecommunications and media law
2018 Semester abroad at La Trobe University Melbourne
2019 – 2022 Student assistant at the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law – Civil Law Department (Prof. Hoeren)
2022 First state examination in law, JPA Hamm
since 2022 Research assistant at the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law – Civil Law Department (Prof. Hoeren)
Legal Research Center in the German Research Network