Author Archives: ITM Münster

Neues Skript Internetrecht

Das Skript Internetrecht ist in neuer Version Stand: April 2017 zum Abruf hier bereit. Das Skript wurde grundlegend überarbeitet, auch mithilfe einer externen Studierendengruppe, die den Text noch einmal komplett auf Mängel durchforstet hat. Ergänzt wurden 300 Urteile, 16 neue Gesetze und viele Gesetzesinitiativen. Das Skript erscheint Ende 2017 auch als Buch (für den, der […]

Neues Skript Internetrecht

Das Skript Internetrecht ist in neuer Version Stand: April 2017 zum Abruf hier bereit. Das Skript wurde grundlegend überarbeitet, auch mithilfe einer externen Studierendengruppe, die den Text noch einmal komplett auf Mängel durchforstet hat. Ergänzt wurden 300 Urteile, 16 neue Gesetze und viele Gesetzesinitiativen. Das Skript erscheint Ende 2017 auch als Buch (für den, der […]

Presentations on the topic of “Digitalization and big data in insurance”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren will open the interdisciplinary symposium “Digitalization and Big Data in Insurance ” of the Research Center for Insurance at the University of Münster today, Tuesday, 21.06.16, at 2 pm with a short lecture entitled “The new EU Data Protection Regulation and Big Data in Insurance”. This will be followed by further […]

Successful exchange: ITM meets the “Digital Restart” project launched by the NRW Ministry of Justice

On 19.01.2016, Dr. Andreas Christians, Ministerialdirigent and Head of the Public and Private Law Department (front, 5th from left) arrived at the ITM together with the other representatives of the NRW Ministry of Justice, RiOLG Dr. Götz (front, 4th from left), RiLG Liepin (front, 6th from left) and Ms. Schmitz (front, 3rd from right).

ABIDA project meeting in Münster

The ITM also welcomed Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann and her research assistant Dr. Lena Ulbricht from the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), Prof. Dr. Johannes Weyer and his research assistant Marc Delisle from TU Dortmund University and Yvonne Attenberger from LMU Munich. Yvonne Attenberger will work under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. […]

Doctoral student from Paris visiting the ITM

His thesis (The law of e-Knowledge) is supervised jointly by Prof. Luc Grynbaum (Paris Descartes) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren (WWU Münster). It is intended to present legal aspects of e-research and e-learning involving various legal frameworks (in particular intellectual property and personal data protection) and discuss current practices and the need for new statutory […]

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Introduction of the visiting professor Rando-Casermeiro

Currently he teaches various subjects both in the Bachelor of Laws (Criminal Law, -General and Special Section-, International Criminal Law, Criminal Law of Public Administration, Criminal Law Practice etc.) and the Degree in Criminology from the University of Seville (Prevention and Treatment of Crime, Institutions of Penal Control System and such). He is also Invited […]

[:de]4. Seminar zum Sportrecht ein voller Erfolg

For the fourth time, the “Signal-Iduna Park” in Dortmund offered the perfect location for the seminar “sports law”. Around 20 students prepared seminar papers on various topics in the area of “sports law”. This two days event was organized by Prof. Dr. T. Hoeren and Prof. Dr. G. Mäsch (University of Münster) and was held […]

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