Author Archives: ITM Münster

Design patents on the rise – the latest on design patent law in practice

Ms. Hanna Karin Held, specialist lawyer for intellectual property law and counsel at JONAS Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, has been advising national and international companies in the field of intellectual property and competition law since 2006. Before joining JONAS Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft, she was a lawyer at a major international law firm in Cologne. In addition to general […]

Seminar in information law (publishing law) in the winter semester 2013/2014

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Hoeren’s close cooperation with the Börsenverein, seminar participants in Frankfurt will be able to gain a direct insight into the legal practice of copyright and publishing law, as well as competition law and title protection, and to experience the practical relevance and relevance of legal issues that have previously been dealt […]

ITM and CAC prepare handbook on alternative dispute resolution in EU domain disputes

A handbook developed over several months, in which Prof. Hoeren and his team have analyzed hundreds of decisions and summarized them in a systematic overview, now provides a remedy. The subject of the overview is not only recurring procedural issues. Rather, the issues of the legitimate interests of the claimant and defendant, the risk of […]