Author Archives: Marc-Philipp Geiselmann

Liability risks after cyber attacks

As a result of a cyberattack, financial losses can arise not only due to the loss of control over valuable data or possible ransom demands. In the event of “theft” of personal data, claims for damages under data protection law may also be considered. In today’s edition of Weggeforscht, research associates Johannes Müller and Ole-Christian […]

Digital sovereignty

Open source software is increasingly cited as the saviour for the sluggish digitalization of German administration. But what exactly does the term open source mean, how is it used and what legal framework conditions need to be observed? In this episode, research assistants Ole-Christian Tech and Anna Maria Yang-Jacobi look at the legal issues surrounding […]

Data protection for AI providers

Artificial intelligence continues to gain ground. Many employers and universities are faced with the question of whether they should offer artificial intelligence to their employees and students. Data protection almost traditionally raises the greatest concerns. In this episode, research associates Johannes Müller and Marc-Philipp Geiselmann talk about how the various AI providers deal with data […]

High-ranking visitor from Berlin

Last Thursday, we had the special honor of welcoming a group of highly motivated and qualified research assistants under the direction of Prof. Dr. de la Durantaye from the FU Berlin at the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law (ITM) in Münster. They will strengthen the Münster-based Legal Research Unit in the German Research […]

The AI Act – What was passed?

Much has been reported about the legislative process of the AI Act. What the content of the AI Act will actually be was unfortunately lost in the reports on the disputes between the EU Council and the EU Parliament. In this episode, research associates Johannes Müller and Marc-Philipp Geiselmann discuss whether large-language models such as […]

Data access rights through the Data Act

The Data Act came into force on January 11, 2024. With the regulation of data from Internet of Things devices, it concerns a part of the data economy that is largely free of exclusive rights. The factual control options are of greater importance. In this issue of Weggeforscht, research associates Johannes Müller and Ole-Christian Tech […]

Liability for fines in data protection law

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued a long-awaited ruling on December 5, 2023, Case No. C-807/21 “Deutsche Wohnen” answered urgent questions on liability for fines under Art. 83 GDPR. But does this really provide legal certainty? Both parties – Deutsche Wohnen SE and the Berlin public prosecutor’s office – see themselves as the winners […]

The transparency database of the DSA

Social networks have become indispensable. For sharing vacation memories with family and friends, promoting products, publicly participating in political discussions or obtaining information from all over the world – various platforms satisfy the different needs of their users. It is undeniable that social networks have many positive facets. But where there is light, there is […]

Weggeforscht: More data protection through Google Topics?

Google has been working on a successor to the discredited third-party cookies for some time now. The new technology is called Google Topics. It is intended both to offer more data protection and to become the new standard for personalized advertising. Google Topics is already included in Google’s Chrome browser and has been tested since […]