Author Archives: m.rombach

Information and updates on the “Best of ITM” seminar

As a seminar participant, you will find all updates, information and answers to frequently asked questions about the “Best of ITM” seminar on this page. Information on the scope of the written paper, expected presentation dates, planning of the outline discussions etc. will follow soon. Updates If you need additional information, please write an e-mail […]

Seminar announcement: Best of ITM

In the coming semester, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren will hold a seminar on the “Best of” the ITM. In terms of content, the students should deal with the doctoral theses of ITM scientists. The seminar is expected to take place in March 2025 as a one- or two-day block event at the ITM premises. The […]

Announcement: Lecture on the “Role of generative AI in the conversion of foreign patent applications into UPC-court-proof patents”

On Tuesday, 19.03. At 12 noon, the ITM will welcome renowned patent attorney Martin Schweiger for a virtual lunch talk on the topic of “The role of generative AI in converting foreign patent applications into UPC-compliant patents”. Martin Schweiger initially studied theoretical engineering at the Technical University of Munich, which he completed in 1992 with […]

Announcement: Certificate ceremony for additional training in intellectual property law with exciting presentations

We are delighted to once again be able to honor all graduates of the additional training in intellectual property law at a certificate ceremony on 23.2.24. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend the event. The award ceremony will take place from 18:00 in the rooms of the ITM (Leonardo Campus 9). Dr. Armin […]

Female lawyers tell their stories: new episode with Katja Dunkel from Dunkel Richter

Katja Dunkel is our guest in the fourth episode of Juristinnen erzählen. Together with Rebecca Richter, Katja founded the media law firm Dunkel Richter in Berlin in 2021, which focuses on women and queer people. She herself supports artists in all areas of media and copyright law and assists her clients in all matters relating […]

[:de]Rechtsfragen algorithmischer Preisdiskriminierung

On Wednesday, 21 June 2023, Dr Felix Rützel gave a lecture on “Legal Issues of Algorithmic Price Discrimination” at the ITM (Münster). Felix Rützel studied law at the University of Passau with a focus on information and communication law. Following his studies, he worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Public Law, European […]

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