Category Archives: Lectures

Vortrag unseres Gastwissenschaftlers zum Kreditscoring

Simon Henseler von der Universität Zürich hielt zum Abschluss seines Forschungsaufenthaltes am 29.09.2021 einen Vortrag zur der datenschutzrechtlichen Zulässigkeit von automatisierten Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfungen (Kreditscoring) im Vergleich zwischen schweizerischem und europäischem Datenschutzrecht. Einleitend ordnete Herr Henseler die aktuelle praktische Relevanz des Kreditscorings ein, das insbesondere durch die in Online-Shops vielfach angebotenen Ratenzahlungen und ähnlichen Zahlungsmethoden an Bedeutung […]

Presentation on AI and law at the Think Tank Digitales Münsterland

      On September 23rd Yannik Borutta, Matthias Haag and Johannes Kevekordes from the research project GOAL (Governance of and through Algorithms) gave a lecture at the think tank “the Enabling Networks Digitales Münsterland” on practice-oriented legal questions related to the topic of artificial intelligence. They offered an overview of liability, data protection and […]

Lecture on developments in Chinese copyright law

On 14.07.2020, Zhang Kaiye* gave a lecture on the development of Chinese copyright law at the ITM. He introduced the audience* to the origins of the Copyright Act and gave them an overview of the main aspects of the three changes in the law that have taken place since then. In doing so, he always […]

Report from the GOAL-Summer School, 23-24 June 2020

      On 23 and 24 June the Summer School organised by the GOAL project took place. Due to the special circumstances caused by the Corona crisis, it was held digitally. Both project-internal and external speakers discussed interesting issues related to the governance of algorithms. There were lectures and workshops from the fields of […]

Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Law – Present and Future” on November 6

For the fourth time, the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law and the RWTÜV Foundation are organizing a conference on a current topic in the field of information technology. This year’s event will take place on November 6, 2019 at Erbdrostenhof Münster and is entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Law – Present and Future”. Leading […]

Vortrag von Herrn Dr. Münker zu aktuellen Fragen des Wettbewerbsrechts

Am 28. Mai 2019 hielt Herr Dr. Reiner Münker (Hauptgeschäftsführer der Wettbewerbszentrale und Leiter der Deutschen Landesgruppe LIDC) bei uns am ITM einen spannenden und gut besuchten Vortrag zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen im Wettbewerbsrecht. Herr Dr. Münker studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen und absolvierte sein Referendariat in Frankfurt a. M. und Brüssel. Seine […]

Certificate award ceremony and keynote speech by Prof. Dr. McGuire

On February 6, 2019, the certificates for successfully completing the additional training in information, telecommunications and media law and the additional training in intellectual property law were presented at a ceremony. On this occasion, we welcomed Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire from the University of Osnabrück. Prof. McGuire gave an exciting keynote speech on the highly […]

Presentations on the topic of “Digitalization and big data in insurance”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren will open the interdisciplinary symposium “Digitalization and Big Data in Insurance ” of the Research Center for Insurance at the University of Münster today, Tuesday, 21.06.16, at 2 pm with a short lecture entitled “The new EU Data Protection Regulation and Big Data in Insurance”. This will be followed by further […]

Design patents on the rise – the latest on design patent law in practice

Ms. Hanna Karin Held, specialist lawyer for intellectual property law and counsel at JONAS Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, has been advising national and international companies in the field of intellectual property and competition law since 2006. Before joining JONAS Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft, she was a lawyer at a major international law firm in Cologne. In addition to general […]