Category Archives: Podcasts

Podcast: What about the protection of employee data? (Part 2)

There are many other legal disputes and open questions surrounding the topic of employee data protection. In the second part of our double episode on the protection of employee data, research assistants Johanna Voget and Johannes Müller provide an overview of practically relevant topics, such as the claim for damages under the GDPR in the […]

What about the protection of employee data? (Part 1)

Employee data protection makes new headlines almost daily. Be it problems with the recording of working hours, the right to information or simply the requirements for the processing of employee data. Because the range of topics is so extensive, the Legal Research Unit at DFN is presenting a double series on the current status of […]

Anti-SLAPP Directive – The EU against strategic intimidation of journalists

In recent years, working conditions for journalists have deteriorated in many places around the world. There are obvious examples of this: China or Russia, where neutral, state-free reporting is practically impossible and the state systematically persecutes critical journalists. But also in the EU, the work of journalists is exposed to increasing risks. One factor that […]

Podcast: Civil servants also have private lives

At the beginning of August, the ECJ had to rule on a Lithuanian law that required public employees to disclose private information. The ruling also has implications in Germany. Therefore, in this episode, research assistants Klaus Palenberg and Owen Mc Grath discuss the extent to which this data was allowed to be published on government […]

Podcast: Stop the finde roulette

The European Data Protection Board (EDSA) has published long-awaited guidelines to help national supervisory authorities impose uniform fines for data protection breaches. The background to these guidelines is the wide scope that the GDPR gives supervisory authorities in imposing fines. This can lead to large differences in the possible level of fines. In this episode […]

Podcast: Can platforms be offenders?

At the beginning of June 2022, the Federal Supreme Court (BGH) decided, contrary to its previous case law, to what extent platforms such as YouTube can be liable for copyright infringements by their users. In the run-up to this decision, the BGH had submitted several questions on platform liability to the Court of Justice of […]

Podcast: Was haben Schriftarten mit Datenschutz zu tun?

Der Dschungel der rechtlichen Vorgaben beim Aufbau einer Webseite wird für Webseitenbetreibende jetzt noch dichter: Das Landgericht München I hat in einem Urteil vom 20. Januar 2022 (Az.: 3 O 17493/20) entschieden, dass die Verwendung von dynamischen Fonts ohne entsprechende Rechtsgrundlage aus der DSGVO zu einem Schadensersatzanspruch der betroffenen Person führen kann. Anhand dieses Urteils […]

Podcast: DMA and DSA – EU institutions agree on “digital constitution”

After politically contentious negotiations, the EU Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers agreed on final versions of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA) in March and April 2022. The DMA is intended to regulate large online platforms and open them up to competition. The DSA serves, among other things, […]

The EncroChat-Hack: Is hacked evidence usable in a criminal case?

In the new episode of the ITM Podcast, research assistants Justin Rennert and Owen Mc Grath discuss the hack of cell phones from the provider EncroChat. Because of its offer of anonymous and encrypted use, EncroChat’s cell phones and chat programs were particularly popular in the criminal milieu across Europe. French investigative authorities had already […]

J!Cast: Is the right of access under the GDPR unlimited?

In this new episode of the ITM Podcast, research assistants Owen Mc Grath and Nicolas John talk about the right of access for data subjects as set out in Article 15 of the GDPR and the possibility for data controllers to restrict or refuse access. With the help of the central data subject right of […]